
mercredi 5 mars 2008


Une nouvelle et extraordinaire vidéo du cas de Stephenville vient de sortir sur le net. C'est ennuyeux au début, mais après vous verrez les fameux dessins dans le ciel. Avec audio et vidéo, c'est à voir. Voir les commentaires en dessous de la vidéo.

The video taken by David Caron in Stephenville Texas leaked on the internet finally! Full video and audio. Very, very interesting footage of the strange UFO blinking symbols in the sky!
05:36 - 06:08 - jet aircraft or car
06:08 - "tryin' to zoom in on it..." - videographer
06:35 - very big truck or large (cargo) aircraft
06:40 - "[you know I once] had a tripod for this" - videographer
07:08 - Video cut / return (video timestamp 9:04)
07:09 - muffled voices
07:21 - "ok...i got the camera pretty steady right now" - videographer
07:33 - intermittently loud static?
07:42 - "ain't movin' the camera it's it's" - videographer
07:51 - "I'm havin' a hard time keeping in in the frame" - videographer
07:58 - muffled
07:59 - "yeah" - videographer
08:03 - muffled voice
08:07 - "somthin' just looked funny about it and I come outside with the camcorder..." - videographer
08:12 - car/truck pass by
08:56 - car/truck pass by
09:06 - END (video timestamp 9:05 PM, JAN.19.200?

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